We are looking forward to welcoming back all the children from Horndale County Infant & Nursery School. A virus called Coronavirus has meant that we have had to stay home to stay safe.
This Playmobil video helps to explain what the virus is and why we have had to stay at home.
Click here to download a useful guide about how school will look different – Social-Distancing-at-School.
We would also like to share the following social stories which may be useful for your child.
We have been working hard to open our school for children.
When you arrive at school you will:
- Notice some tape that helps to keep everyone a safe distance from each other and notices reminding us of the way in and out of school.
- Wash your hands for at least 20 seconds, remember to sing the ‘Happy Birthday’ song twice, when you arrive at school, after breaktimes and if you sneeze or blow your nose. Your teacher might ask you to wash your hands during the day too especially after you have been outside.
- If you bring a packed lunch or water bottle it will be wiped down by a member of staff.
- You need to use a tissue to blow your nose or when you cough or sneeze. You will be asked to wash your hands after this.
- When you are in class you will notice that the desks are more spaced out – this is because we have to keep a safe distance from other people.
- When it is time for lunch you will eat your lunch in the classroom.
- Hopefully you will be spending a lot of time outside for outdoor learning and playing! The adults working in school will explain the areas you can play in. You’ll need to play apart from friends but you can still have fun!
- If you feel unwell you must tell an adult straight away so we can look after you.
Please watch the video below to show you what school will look like when you come back.