In Year 1 we love learning, exploring our environment and working hard too! We have many areas in our classroom from the creative area, to the writing, role play and construction areas. We also have a ‘reading garden’ where we love to spend time enjoying our many and varied books and texts, including our ‘favourite five’ that change each half term.
Miss Walker is Class Teacher and Mrs Hayton is the Teaching Assistant.
We are a team where everyone is valued for their uniqueness, skills and talents. In Year 1 you will find mathematicians, authors, artists, scientists, musicians, actors, teachers and historians. We are kind and caring, respectful and considerate and show resilience in our learning. Our classroom is a calm and happy space where we have many opportunities to talk and share our thinking, including our feelings and worries too. We have our very own ‘worry monster’ that eats our worries.
In the morning we have Maths, English and Phonics. In Maths this term we are building on our knowledge of number and place value, addition and subtraction, measurement and multiplication and division. In English, our work will be based around the texts; Knuffle Bunny, Cops and Robbers, The Three Little Pigs, Dogger, Silly Billy and ‘The Tiger Who Came to Tea’. Phonics is threaded through our learning and we also have our daily ‘Read, Write, Inc lessons.
In the afternoon we focus on our foundation subjects that are stimulating, exciting and fun. Some topics we will be learning about are ‘Man on the Moon’ in History, ‘Portraits – Andy Warhole’ in Art, ‘Everyday Materials’ in Science and ‘My Town – Newton Aycliffe’ in Geography. We are all celebrated for our successes as we move along our individual learning journeys, building on our skills and learning many new ones too!